logo surya bintang adventure
Surya Bintang Adventures
logo surya bintang adventure
Bali Adventures
We take you on a thrilling rafting tour in a pristine and breathtaking area of Bali that is full of natural wonders.
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Create experiences with your adrenaline

Contact Info



  1. Name: {{selectedPackage.name}}
  2. Package Name: {{selectedPackage.package_name}}



Additional Product

Personal Infomation ( {{totalPersonals}} {{ totalPersonals >1 ? 'Peoples' :'People' }} )

Person ({{idx+1}})


I understand and acknowledge that the activity I am about to voluntarily engage in as a participant bears certain known and unanticipated risks that could result in injury, đeah, illness, or disease. Physical damage to any property and belongings. Participant understanding and acceptance of insurance coverage. I confirm that I have sent if full copy of the accident policy that Surya Bintang Adventure has afforded me that I was given both the opportunity and the time to read the policy and that fully understand and accept the coverage benefits, the terms, the conditions and all the exclusion

Participant waiver

I hereby voluntarily waiver, release, forever discharge, and agree to harmless and indemnity Surya Bintang Adventures its agents or employees, and all other persons or entities any all liability claims, demands, actions, or rights faction, which are any connected to my participant in the death, illness or disease, injuries to myself and damage to my property order than a legitimate personal accident policy afforded by as a result of my injuries sustained during the activity, I hereby permit us photographs or video coverage of myself, taken whilst engaged in this activity, for promotional purposes, without charge and any consultation with my sell.


I agree that I assume all risk of injury. los or denıage đuring participation in Surya Bintang Adventures (Rafting. Cycling. Trekking, Swing, Touring/ATV, ATC). I hereby agree that Surya Bintang Adventures is not responsible for any injury, loss, death, or damage. Release of liability and assumption of risk agreement based on the following:

  1. I am 5 years old or under, or 65 years old or over.
  2. I am taking medication or I am under the influence of drugs or alcohol,
  3. I have a pbysical condition which might effect my safety or health while joining an activity (for exanple : heart problems, asthma, recently, broken bones, etc).
  4. I am pregnant.
  5. I am currently under a doctor's care
  6. I may have difficulty walking down or up the steps to or from the river (Approximately 10-20 minutes walk cach way).

I the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that I have voluntarily chosen to go with Surya Bintang Adventures and understand that certain risks are inherent in any recreational activity and cannot be eliminated, altered, or controlled.The risk that contributes to the unique character of the activity can also be the cause of physical or mental injury, illness, death, loss or damages, and also the damage or loss of personal property. In signing this document I fully recognize and understand that if I (or a minor on whose behalf I am signing this release) get hurt. I, my family relatives, and or acquaintances would be giving up the right to make a claim or file a lawsuit against Surya Bintang Adventures, it employs staff or the booking agent (person/Company). Customer's name and signature Activity.

Activity: Rafting/Trekking/CyclingiSwing/Touring/ATV, L he undersigned. hereby acknowledge that I have voluntarily chosen to go to Surya Bintang Adventures white water rafting tour and understand that certain risks are inherent in many recreational activities and cannot be eliminated, altered, or controlled. The risks that contribute to the unique character of the activity can also be the cause of physical or mental injury, illness, death, loss or damages, and also the damage or loss of personal property. In signing this document, I fully recognize and understand that if L (or any minor on whose behalf 1 am signing this release) was hurt died or my property was lost or damaged. I. my family, relatives, and/or acquaintance would be giving up the right to make a claim or file a lawsuit against Surya Bintang Adventures employees/staff or the booking agent (person)


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Surya Bintang Adventures

Jalan Raya Payangan, Br. Bayad, Desa Melinggih Kelod, Kecamatan Payangan

Telp ; 0361 - 972 213 , HP/WA ; 081 237 733 113

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